I don’t think it’s the “finding him” problem as much as the “him hiding” reality. He seems to have developed a “glacially slow” attitude towards the court.
I interpret this to mean that the court has either instructed or “invited” him to update his address as Dijana has returned the court’s mail to him as undeliverable. If she had accepted his mail and forwarded it to him, there wouldn’t be all this trouble about undeliverable post.
This he has refused to do as it is in his interest to string this process out for as long as he can because it is doomed to failure. After such bold statements he had publicly made regarding his inevitable success and threats to the M7, he doesn’t want to lose face with his patrons with whom he has maintained his innocence as well as the guilt of his accusers.
So Lloyd is doing what he has always done and act the coward - continually using his now ex-wife and by extension - his children - as human shields by not updating his address and intentionally leaving their residence in Sisak as the only means of reaching him. For all his talk about shielding his daughters against these “attacks” upon his character, instead he’s leaving them on the front line.
These are not the actions of a “good man” nor are they indicative of a “good father”. If I were her I’d withhold his visitation until he clears this with the court. It’s a simple change of address filing or could be as simple as a phone call to the court.
Oh wait - he can’t speak Croatian.